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Crafted with care to bring joy and learning together, every detail reflects our passion.


M-Lugha is a multilingual education app for rural communities in Kenya that offers Early Childhood Learning (ECD) learning content in 19 local languages. The app uses mother tongue languages to aid rural kids to learn in their first language, solving the literacy challenge experienced in Northern Kenya where there is a shortage of schools and teachers and most teachers do not speak the local languages. It can also be installed in solar-powered tablets thus allowing for use in remote places without electricity or internet connection. It utilizes visual representation of day to day words to help learners know the words in different languages. Currently, the app supports 19 Kenyan languages and can be used to supplement the work of the teacher.

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Our Mission

To create a world where every individual, regardless of their background, has access to quality education and the skills necessary for self-sufficiency and empowerment.

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Our Vission

To provide effective tools and resources that enable rural learners to acquire essential literacy and numeracy skills in their local languages while promoting digital literacy and sustainable practices within the community.

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